New Members -First steps...

A Guide to Getting Started with Men in Harmony

Enjoy sampling singing with us!   For those singers who consider they would like to join us as a member, here is some information how to proceed.   
A new member is one who has passed audition, their application has been accepted by resolution of the Management Committee and they have paid the requisite fees.  THey are then provided regular member access to the chorus website.  This avails new members to more information and resources.  Some advice for new members includes:
  • Ask questions!  You must have plenty!  Your colleagues are all keen to assist you to succeed and settle into our chorus. 
  • Familiarise yourself with the chorus Management Committee and Music Team members.  They are all listed with photos on this website.
  • Each voice part has a Section Leader.  They monitor, advise and assist progress concerning singers development.  Section Leaders are members of the Music Team chaired by the Music Director. 
  • Essential reading includes our 'Members Manual' which is available on this website under MEMBERS Tab -'documents'.  The manual will inform you about policies, resources and other assistance available.  
  • Routine chorus communications are generally conducted by email. Topical information is announced and reinforced by the President at "Notices" during rehearsals.
  • Our WEBSITE is our chorus online shop front.  Want to know who, what, how, when, where and why?  The website should be your first port of call for chorus information, documentation, Chorus calendar, Events and performances, chorus contacts and much more.  Think of the website as the chorus' central 'Filing cabinet' and 'notice board'.  Familiarise yourself with the website it has loads of information. 
  • Regular (daily) practice will help your development.  Learning notes and words is an individual responsibility conducted by you outside of scheduled rehearsals.  We aim to be pre-prepared as individual singers so that our MD can plan rehearsals to focus on developing chorus singing skills, delivery and presentation.  We rehearse not only to sing but to entertain!

Who's Who?

Men in Harmony...

Management Committee

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Music Director: Kim Sebbage

The Music Director is responsible for our music product. We give him full attention and assistance.

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President: Ross Rhodes

The current elected President, who is responsible for effective management of the chorus.

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Vice President: Vic Richards

The current elected Vice President, he provides management support to the President and also provides primary oversight for the chorus in his absence.

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Secretary: Rupert Dodd

Provides essential primary administrative function for the chorus including maintaining essential records, agenda's and minutes.

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Treasurer: Peter Burns

The Treasurer is responsible for financial management of chorus funds.

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Membership Coordinator: Ron Shaw

Our human resources turn to person! Keeps track of member records, attendances and provides first point of contact at our rehearsals.

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Events Coordinator: Ross Rhodes & Ron Shaw

The Events Coordinator promotes, coordinates, organises events and performances. Maintains the website calendar of events.

Music Team

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Music Director: Kim Sebbage

The Music Director is responsible for our music product. We give him full attention and assistance.

Chorus Administration

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Music Director: Kim Sebbage

The Music Director is responsible for our music product. We give him full attention and assistance.

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Membership Co-ordinator: Ron Shaw

The Membership Coordinator manages attendance records and absences and maintains those records on the website. He is also the primary meet & greet officer at rehearsals and first point of contact for persons seeking information about singing with our chorus.

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Secretary: Rupert Dodd

Provides essential primary administrative function for the chorus including maintaining essential records, agenda's and minutes.

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Recruiting Coordinator: Ross Rhodes

Explores and recommends recruiting initiatives to the Management Committee. Is primary liaison for prospective members until full membership achieved. Questions re joining our Chorus? - direct enquiries here.

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Events Coordinator: Ross Rhodes & Ron Shaw

The Events Coordinator promotes, coordinates, organises events and performances. Maintains the website calendar of events.

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